Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Journey Continues......
My brother, Jr 51yo lost his battle with cancer on Tues. July12,2011. The same day our father died 2yearsAgo. My health is a little weaker, but hanging in.
My puppy, Bandit is 9 weeks old he is so cute and courious lol we only need $150 to get back to Carson City. Jimmy may have a temp job to earn it.
Jimmy spent 6 days in jail. Warrant is cleared! :-)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

God is holding us in His hands for the Ugly
Coming back to the end of our journey leads is back to the Ugly part of our lives, drugs alcohol and drama. This is not the place for a recovering addict and alcoholic! We was able to rent a RV spot for a couple of days (praise the Lord as it was upper 90s!) I felt a bit guilty as a know the homeless on the streets didn't have My luxury. I wasn't feeling strong, so I didn't search them out to see their needs because I know most of them here and would of been like Walking into a crack-house. They are wonderful people, bit are still stuck in their addictions. So for me to stay clean, I had to steer clear. And for that I double felt guilty. God had me in His hands as the first night we got to go to bible study! Then with no money or a place to park, and old friend from the Ugly let us park on his ranch. I was so nervous! Had bad dreams about using again, we were parked in the full sun, no electricity, 2 grand kids, very grateful for the safe place to park. That is when God called! He put it in the heart of a very dear sister from church, she out of blue, (not really, God had a plan!) she text me and offered to let us park on her ranch! Whoo-hoo thank you Lord! This wonderful lady also goes to Celebrate Recovery A faith based recovery program for people with 'hurts,habits,and hangups' yep folks that's me, a broken addicted mess! Grandkids are back with mommy now, its just us and bandit held tightly in Gods loving arms! Thank you Father!!
Hoo-Boy! the journey back to being homeless with a roof and finding safe and free parking took on a life of it's own this past week! Traveled about 100 miles the first day, blew two holes in our radiator due to overheating Fran from Mitzvah Circle was aware of our circumstances by my posting on facebook and twitter bless her heart she sent us a gift card for Walmart! A nice recently new homeless couple, Johnny and Brittney pulled in next to us a walmart. After a bit I approached Brittney I simply asked ud they were ok ? And if they needed anything. I told her what I had to offer and went and got my hygene backpack and told her to take what she needed or wanted. And gave them a boat load of food! They insisted on giving me a puppy chuaua! They were selling them for gas money for $75 I gave her $20 all we could spare since we needrd gas money also. After 2 nights at walmart we continued our journey. Another 100 miles we and Bandit arrived safely to our destination.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

The battle is God's

As we prepare to enterinto homelessness again, not by some ppl definition, but living in an rv, no hook-ups or a place to park , is our definition. Everyones story and definition of homeless is just that. Different! The common thing we all share is the battle of this life. God gave me today a mighty reminder today in 2Chronicles20:15-17 For in those scriptures, the Lord reminded me that the things we fear -ourbattles- are His. All we need to do is seek His strength and praise His grace. This was powerful for me as we are about embark on our journey back to the ugly we left behind before we accepted Christ as our Lord and saviour. Back to the area where we spirialed out of control with drugs, alcohol, and violence! It is not our choice to go back, it is a law ordered thing that must be taken care of. So I must 'give it to God' I alone can not fight this battle. We plan to help the homeless along the way. We don't have much to give but Love and His word, that is always enough! God Bless!
The battle is

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Soon to be homeless again. :( here's the deal , jimmys 'job assignment' ended.(past times to bite in the butt) Grrr we have had 3 weeks full rv hook-ups and now we will be back to parking lot hopping . We're pretty experienced at it so we will be ok. Deciding what to do now......
How we survived the winter. Without electricty or propane and temps below freezing for weeks, we used candles for heat and light. Teabag strings makes useful candle wicks! I would make sun tea and Jimmy would reuse the old candles melt down to make 'new' ones! We also hung blankets to form a sort of 'igloo' to keep the heat in. Wearing 3 layers of clothes and under 4 blankets. It was very cold, but God saw us thru it!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

for months, each person doing a little bit to make a HUGE difference in our lives! So if you think what little you can do doesn't matter, IT DOES!!!!!!!!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Death holds no victory . This is an unfortunate time for my family, 2weeks ago my uncle Dick died, tomorrow May 17 is the funeral for my sister Sandy . She died in her sleep on Mothers Day. She, 4 days prior turned only 49. The topper is that my brother , Jr is in stage 4 cancer. He has quit the chemotherapy and radiation treatments. He hasn't eaten and says he wants to die at home and he is ready. So that's a lot although my heart breaks for the non-believers, death holds no victory over me.... But their fate is a bit different. Only God knows, Will continue to pray for them. My family died either in the hospital or in their homes, There are so many homeless people that die in the streets! No family no home that is the real tragedy! If we each just take a moment of our day to help even one person, only then do we begin to make a change to end homelessness !
Turning of the tv . After a year without electricty , I sure didn't reliaze how much I wasted my time watching the junk on tv! Now that we have electricty again I just turn it off. There is a peace in silence. Its my thoughts not some tv telling me what to eat, wear, or how my body size should be. The 'tick-toc' of my big ben is much better . Lol

Sunday, May 15, 2011

We have a home! This blog started because We were homeless with a roof, now today after many factors we no longer are. As of today, we have a permant address, electricty, the tv, fridge , running water, and a flushing toilet! The many who are still 'stuck' in the system, or waiting on that 'break' i have to say ''don't give up!'' keep knocking on those doors, keep your voice heard, and thanking God for the 'daily manna' and little blessings daily.
If I can help in any way, contact me @jimmyally on twitter or ally fletcher on fb.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Date Night ! Today is first payday, trying not to feel guilty on the $25 we spent on ourselves to have dinner, and we watched the Nugget Follies Girls dance, and a walk thru downtown Carson City. It has been a long strech since a real paycheck has come in,-over a year! One thing is for sure, the old jimmy and ally would of been high with the check and broke tomorrow! By the grace of God, that has changed! It is amazing how charming our night was, just an old fashioned, no frills date! -and yes he opened the doors for me!
Now, back to reality of saving for a rv spot.
F.I.S.H Friends In Service Helping. They have been a Godsend for us while homeless! 7 days a week a hot meal is served with a smile! Hot showers with every item needed provided including the towel! Men and women shelters, a medical clinic, daily bread, and laundry at .25 load . Also a thrift shop with gpd prices and if needed you can get a change of clothes free. They provide local recourses for additional help in locating a job, etc. They give food boxes once a month and holiday meals to familys during the holidays. Thank you FISH and all the people and voluenteers who make it happen!
Can't sleep, again. :( Parking lots are noisy, hubby is snoring. I wait, sometimes I wonder for what. Being homeless is kinda like cancer, good days and bad-lol that what marriage is- :)
Tomorrow is our first paycheck, going out to eat for the first time in over 9 months other than a soup kitchen (for the record, F.I.S.H. Is the best!) Knowing that the money could otherwise be spent to a more useful purpose, but jimmy wants to do this for me. So blessed he landed a job in this economy!

blogger lost my blog

This is the first, well second blog, as I created one yesterday and Blogger crashed...or something techkky.

 I am just testing testing this and if after 2 days it still exists, I will again post.